Sunday, December 26, 2010

Welcome to my blog

"A Country Gal's Thoughts" - that's "ME" - was first published in the Bath County Bulletin on November 12. 2010.
The "Bulletin" is my hometown newspaper. The editor allowed me to publish some of my thoughts and even gave me my own column.
I don't live inside the main city where the newspaper is published. I live out in the country.
The "boondocks," some might say. Growing up in the "country" brought forth a recollection of thoughts and memories for this Nana. My "book writing adventures" exhumed as well.

I can't recall getting to see any "written" memories of my grandparents, much less reading their "thoughts."
When I'm dead and buried under the old oak tree out in the country, I want my grandchildren to have this book. They will not only have the opportunity to "touch" something I've written myself but they will be able to hear my voice in every single word.
My title comes from just what it is. Scrambled! My memories go all over the place. They jump from my pre-teen years, my adult life, my teenage years, my old boyfriends and husband(s) and back to my pre-teen years again. I might not be "your" Nana but I'm guessing you'll laugh at my stories anyway. Your own grandparents will probably identify with some of my stories as well. Heck, I'm thinking EVERYBODY in your family might just love reading these stories.
Pull up a chair, have a cup of homemade hot cocoa (if you don't have a piece of fried squirrel) and ENJOY.

1 comment:

  1. This is the introduction to my book - "Nana's ScRaMbLeD Memories" - hopefully you all will buy one when it comes out ;-)
